Performed by
Pennsylvania State University
Biometrics Laboratory
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802

November 2000

4" depth
At frozen and ambient temperatures the material meets the ASTM standard when impacted at a height of 7 feet or less but does not meet the standard at 8 feet or more. At hot temperatures, the material meets the ASTM standard when impacted at 6 feet or less but does not meet the standard at 7 feet or more.

Conclusion: The product sufficiently attenuates the impact forces at 7 feet or less when at 30 and 72 degrees, and at 6 feet or less at 120 degrees, to meet the ASTM HIC standard.

6" depth
At frozen, ambient, and hot temperatures the material meets the ASTM standard when impacted at a height of 10 feet

Conclusion: The product sufficiently attenuates the impact forces at 10 feet or less when at 30, 72, and 120 degrees to meet the ASTM HIC standard.

9" depth
At frozen, ambient, and hot temperatures the material meets the ASTM standard when impacted at a height of 10 feet.

Conclusion: The product sufficiently attenuates the impact forces at 10 feet or less when at 30, 72, and 120 degrees to meet the ASTM HIC standard.

ASTM stresses that the F 1292-93 standard "does not purport to address the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use."


F 1292-93 Standard specification for impact attenuation of surface systems under and around playground equipment. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 15.07, 1992.

F 355-86 Test method for shock absorbing properties of playing surfaces systems and materials. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 15.07, 1992.